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Author: Andrew
2024 Half-marathon lessons learnt
Or, a post-running-event retrospective and follow up As mentioned in my previous post about running for beginners, I was (past tense) training for a specific event – the Brno půlmaraton.(No, not a spelling error – that’s just me trying to be clever and use the Czech name. It’s the half marathon in the city of…
A Beginner’s Guide to Running
Or, things I wish I had known when I started out… As I (at time of writing) enter the last week of my self-prescribed training plan for the 2024 Brno half-marathon, I’m reflecting on my experiences of running as a fitness method and on/off hobby. For someone who was never athletically inclined or into any…
5 Benefits of Being Average
Tips for living a happier, healthier, more fulfilled life by embracing the virtues of the comfortable, middle zone of ‘average’. That’s a good click-bait-y title and tag line right?Be honest, did that make you click on this article/site to see what I have to tell you? However you ended up here, welcome.I’m not sure if…